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Super Simple Server
The best way to create your web site.

Download And Run
This step involves downloading the stand-alone Super Simple Server program, moving it to the desired location on your hard-drive, and running it for the first time.  Follow the instructions below depending on what operating system your host computer is running.


If you are using a modern 64-bit computer, get the Super Simple Server program from the standard 64-bit download page.

Otherwise, if you are using an older 32-bit computer, get the Super Simple Server program from the 32-bit download page.

Once you have downloaded the file, right click it and choose "Extract All", then move the supersimpleserver.exe file to whatever location you desire (it's own folder on your desktop works well), and then simply double-click it to run.  You can then move on and configure your new site.

Linux With GTK

This will only work if you have a full GUI desktop with the GTK2 libraries installed.  These libraries are often installed by default.  If not, they can usually be found in your operating system's package manager by searching for GTK2.  Otherwise you will have to use the command line version of Super Simple Server, which can be found in the next section.

If you are using a modern 64-bit computer, get the Super Simple Server program from the standard 64-bit download page.

Otherwise, if you are using an older 32-bit computer, get the Super Simple Server program from the 32-bit download page.

The file will be a standard .tar.gz compressed archive.  Right-click the file to decompress it.  Move the extracted program file to whatever location you desire.

On the command line, you may have to give the program permission to bind to ports below 1024, so it can listen for incoming connections.  Issue the following command in the same directory as the program.

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' supersimpleserver

Now you can simply double-click the program file to run it.  You can then move on and configure your new site.

Linux Command-Line

This will work on almost any Linux operating system, and is well suited to inexpensive VPS hosts that don't run a full GUI.

First use the cd command to navigate to your desired directory where you want to keep the program file and your site's data files.  Often something like /home/username/sss works well if you are using a regular user account, or just use /root if you are logged in as root.

Now, check either the standard 64-bit download page or the 32-bit download page for the download link to the newest command-line version of Super Simple Server.

Use the link to download the program on the command line, for example:

wget https://download.supersimpleserver.com/supersimpleserver-1.14-linux-cli.tar.gz

Once the download is complete, enter the following command to extract the compressed program file:

tar -zxf supersimpleserver-1.14-linux-cli.tar.gz

On some systems, if you are running under a non-privileged user account, you may need to give the program permission to bind to ports below 1024, so it can listen for incoming connections.  Issue the following command in the same directory as the program:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' supersimpleserver

Now you can start the program:


Or if you want the program to run in the background:

nohup ./supersimpleserver -s &

Once you are running, you can then move on and configure your new site.

Having Trouble?

If you are having trouble and need more help, feel free to check out the forum for solutions.

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